Publikationen am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftstheorie

Im Folgenden finden Sie ausgewählte Publikationen unseres Lehrstuhls ab 2010. 

Prof. Dr. Clemens Puppe
Titel Autor Quelle

C. Puppe & A. Slinko

Economic Theory 67 (2019), 285-31

C. Puppe

Journal of Economic Theory 176 (2018), 55-80

K. Borissov, M. Pakhnin & C. Puppe


European Economic Review 94 (2017) 185–204

S. Fabrizi, S. Lippert, C. Puppe & S. Rosenkranz

Journal of Economic Psychology 53 (2016), 141-153

K. Nehring, M. Pivato & C. Puppe

Journal of Theoretical Politics 28 (2016), 552-597

C. Puppe & A. Tasnádi

Social Choice & Welfare 44 (2015), 31-50

D. Masclet & C. Puppe

Social Choice and Welfare 45 (2015), 479-488

K. Nehring, M. Pivato & C. Puppe

Journal of Economic Theory 151 (2014), 286-303


S. Kube, M. Maréchal & C. Puppe

Journal of the European Economic Association 11 (2013),  853-870

S. Kube, M. Maréchal & C. Puppe

American Economic Review 102 (2012), 1644 - 1662

D. Dimitrov & C.Puppe

Mathematical Social Sciences 62 (2011), 162-165

C. Puppe & S. Rosenkranz

Economica 78 (2011), 317-329.

K. Nehring & C. Puppe

Journal of Economic Theory 145 (2010), 467-494

K. Nehring & C. Puppe

Journal of Economic Theory 145 (2010), 583-602

D. Herreiner & C. Puppe

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 76 (2010), 238-253

C. Puppe & Y. Xu

Social Choice & Welfare 35 (2010), 669-685.

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marten Hillebrand
Titel Autor Quelle

M. Hillebrand

Journal of Mathematical Economics 45 (2012), 26-38

M. Hillebrand

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 35 (2011), 1091-1105

M. Hillebrand

Economics Letters 123 (2014), 171–176

M. Hillebrand & T. Kikuchi

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2015, Vol.51, Pages 204-217

PD Dr. Dr. Melik-Tangyan
Titel Autor Quelle


Springer, Berlin–Heidelberg, 2013.


Social Choice and Welfare 40 (2013), 833–869


In: Cl. De Vincenti and M.D’Alema (Eds.) Fair, Robust and Sustainable: A Recipe for Europe’s Growth. Rom, 159–168 (EN) and 358–368 (IT), 2012.


In: Kerleau M., Laguérodie S. ez Outin, J.-L. (Eds.) Crise, inégalités et pauvretés. Louvain, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 41–55, 2011 


In: Bagusat, Christiana / Keenan, William J.F. / Sedmak, Clemens (Hg.). Decent Work and Unemployment. Reihe: Perspectives on Social Ethics Nr. 3. Wien: LIT Verlag, 237–264, 2011 


Nova, New York, 2011.


Social Choice and Welfare 35 (2010), 135-167

Prof. Dr. Susanne Fuchs-Seliger
Titel Autor Quelle

Prof. Dr. Susanne Fuchs-Seliger


Homo Oeconomicus (2016), 1-17

Prof. Dr. Susanne Fuchs-Seliger

Theoretical Economic Letters 3 (2013), 229-232

Prof. Dr. Susanne Fuchs-Seliger

Theory and Decision 72 (2012), 431-444

Akademische Mitarbeiter
Titel Autor Quelle

Claudio Kretz

Journal of Economic Theory 197

Veronica Block

Economics Letters 108 (2010), Issue 1 , 1-3

Tobias Lindner

Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 12 (2011), 242-257

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