Factor Income Distribution and Endogenous Economic Growth - When Piketty meets Romer
May 18th, 2017
Andreas Irmen (University of Luxembourg)
Abstract:We scrutinize Thomas Piketty’s (2014) theory concerning the relationship betweenan economy’s long-run growth rate, its capital-income ratio, and its factor incomedistribution put forth in his recent book Capital in the Twenty-First Century. We find thata smaller long-run growth rate may be associated with a smaller capital-income ratio.Hence, the key implication of Piketty’s Second Fundamental Law of Capitalism does nothold. In line with Piketty’s theory a smaller long-run growth rate may go together with agreater capital share. However, the mechanics behind this result are the opposite of whatPiketty suggests. Our findings obtain in variants of Romer’s (1990) seminal model ofendogenous technological change. Here, both the economy’s savings rate and its growthrate are endogenous variables whereas in Piketty’s theory they are both exogenous parameters.Including demographic growth in the spirit of Jones (1995) shows that a smallergrowth rate of the economy may imply a lower capital share contradicting a central claimin Piketty’s book