Publikationen am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftstheorie

Im Folgenden finden Sie ausgewählte Publikationen unseres Lehrstuhls ab 2010. 

Prof. Dr. Clemens Puppe
Titel Autor Quelle

C. Puppe

Journal of Economic Theory 176 (2018), 55-80

C. Puppe & A. Slinko

Economic Theory 67 (2019), 285-31

C. Puppe & A. Tasnádi

Social Choice & Welfare 44 (2015), 31-50

C. Puppe & S. Rosenkranz

Economica 78 (2011), 317-329.

C. Puppe & Y. Xu

Social Choice & Welfare 35 (2010), 669-685.

D. Dimitrov & C.Puppe

Mathematical Social Sciences 62 (2011), 162-165

D. Herreiner & C. Puppe

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 76 (2010), 238-253

D. Masclet & C. Puppe

Social Choice and Welfare 45 (2015), 479-488

K. Borissov, M. Pakhnin & C. Puppe


European Economic Review 94 (2017) 185–204

K. Nehring & C. Puppe

Journal of Economic Theory 145 (2010), 467-494

K. Nehring & C. Puppe

Journal of Economic Theory 145 (2010), 583-602

K. Nehring, M. Pivato & C. Puppe

Journal of Economic Theory 151 (2014), 286-303


K. Nehring, M. Pivato & C. Puppe

Journal of Theoretical Politics 28 (2016), 552-597

S. Fabrizi, S. Lippert, C. Puppe & S. Rosenkranz

Journal of Economic Psychology 53 (2016), 141-153

S. Kube, M. Maréchal & C. Puppe

Journal of the European Economic Association 11 (2013),  853-870

S. Kube, M. Maréchal & C. Puppe

American Economic Review 102 (2012), 1644 - 1662

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marten Hillebrand
Titel Autor Quelle

M. Hillebrand & T. Kikuchi

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2015, Vol.51, Pages 204-217

M. Hillebrand

Economics Letters 123 (2014), 171–176

M. Hillebrand

Journal of Mathematical Economics 45 (2012), 26-38

M. Hillebrand

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 35 (2011), 1091-1105

PD Dr. Dr. Melik-Tangyan
Titel Autor Quelle


Springer, Berlin–Heidelberg, 2013.


Social Choice and Welfare 40 (2013), 833–869


In: Cl. De Vincenti and M.D’Alema (Eds.) Fair, Robust and Sustainable: A Recipe for Europe’s Growth. Rom, 159–168 (EN) and 358–368 (IT), 2012.


In: Kerleau M., Laguérodie S. ez Outin, J.-L. (Eds.) Crise, inégalités et pauvretés. Louvain, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 41–55, 2011 


In: Bagusat, Christiana / Keenan, William J.F. / Sedmak, Clemens (Hg.). Decent Work and Unemployment. Reihe: Perspectives on Social Ethics Nr. 3. Wien: LIT Verlag, 237–264, 2011 


Nova, New York, 2011.


Social Choice and Welfare 35 (2010), 135-167

Prof. Dr. Susanne Fuchs-Seliger
Titel Autor Quelle

Prof. Dr. Susanne Fuchs-Seliger


Homo Oeconomicus (2016), 1-17

Prof. Dr. Susanne Fuchs-Seliger

Theoretical Economic Letters 3 (2013), 229-232

Prof. Dr. Susanne Fuchs-Seliger

Theory and Decision 72 (2012), 431-444

Akademische Mitarbeiter
Titel Autor Quelle

Claudio Kretz

Journal of Economic Theory 197

Veronica Block

Economics Letters 108 (2010), Issue 1 , 1-3

Tobias Lindner

Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 12 (2011), 242-257

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