Prof. Dr. Clemens Puppe
- Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Wirtschaftstheorie
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Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre (ECON)
Lehrstuhl für WirtschaftstheorieGebäude 09.21, 3. OG
Blücherstraße 17
D-76185 Karlsruhe
Curriculum Vitae
Ausführlicher Lebenslauf (in Englisch)
Professor Dr. Clemens Puppe arbeitet im Bereich der mikroökonomischen Theorie. Sein Spezialgebiet ist die Theorie individueller und kollektiver Entscheidungen. Er hat zahlreiche Arbeiten in hochrangigen, internationalen wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften publiziert, unter anderem im American Economic Review, in Econometrica, im Journal of Economic Theory, in Games and Economic Behavior und im Journal of Public Economics. Er ist Mitglied des Editorial Boards von Economics and Philosophy, Mitherausgeber des Handbook of Rational and Social Choice bei Oxford University Press und Mitglied in einer Reihe von wissenschaftlichen Beiräten. Von 2012 - 2024 war er Managing und Coordinating Editor von Social Choice and Welfare.
Professor Puppe studierte Mathematik und Philosophie in Heidelberg und Berlin. Seine Promotion absolvierte er an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Karlsruhe. Nach einem Forschungsaufenthalt als Post-Doctoral Fellow an der Harvard University habilitierte er sich im Jahre 1997 an der Universität Wien. Im selben Jahr erhielt er einen Ruf als C3-Professor an die Universität Bonn. Seit 2003 ist er Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Wirtschaftstheorie an der Universität Karlsruhe.
Professor Puppe pflegt intensive Kontakte zu internationalen Forschungseinrichtungen. Er war zu Forschungsaufenthalten unter anderem am Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, an der University of California, an der University of Melbourne, an der University of Auckland und an der Université Paris-Dauphine. Von 2020 bis 2023 war Professor Puppe „Leading International Researcher“ an der Higher School of Economics (Russische Föderation). Im akademischen Jahr 2021/22 war Professor Puppe als „Oliver Smithies Visiting Fellow“ des Balliol College an der Universität Oxford tätig. Im akademischen Jahr 2024/25 ist Professor Puppe „Invited Distinguished Research Fellow“ am Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS) in Budapest.
Professor Puppe war Mitglied des Gründungssenats des KIT und Gründungssprecher des Topic "Wirtschaft und Technik" im Rahmen des Schwerpunkts "Mensch und Technik”. Von 2018 bis 2022 war Professor Puppe gewähltes Mitglied des Senats des KIT. An der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften hatte Professor Puppe das Amt als Dekan (von 2008 bis 2012) und als Prodekan inne (von 2004 bis 2008 und von 2014 bis 2016). Seit 2023 ist Professor Puppe Studiendekan des neu eingerichteten Studiengangs “Digitial Economics".
Aktuelle Publikationen und Working Paper
Vollständige Liste der Publikationen und Working Papers
Hier finden Sie einen Link zu meinen Google Scholar Zitationen.
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Multi-Dimensional Social Choice under Frugal Information: Imprecise Bayesian Foundations for the Tukey Median | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Working Paper, September 2024 |
Preference Diversity | M. Ammann & C. Puppe |
KIT Working Paper Series in Economics Nr. 164, April 2024 |
Maximal Condorcet Domains. A Further Progress Report | C. Puppe & A. Slinko |
Games and Economic Behaviour 145 (2024), 426-450 |
New Characterizations of Strategy-Proofness under Single-Peakedness | A. B. Jennings, R. Laraki, C. Puppe & E. Varloot |
Mathematical Programming 203 (2024), 207-238 |
Note on "A classification of peak-pit maximal Condorcet domains" by Guanhao Li, Mathematical Social Sciences 125 (2023) | C. Puppe & A. Slinko |
Mathematical Social Sciences 128 (2024), 16-17 |
Strategy-Proofness implies Minimal Participation under Single-Peakedness | M. Müller & C. Puppe |
Economic Theory Bulletin 11 (2023), 131-151 |
Condorcet Solutions in Frugal Models of Budget Allocation | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
KIT Working Paper Series in Economics Nr. 156, March 2022 |
Participation in Voting over Budget Allocations. A Field Experiment | C. Puppe & J. Rollmann |
Advances in Collective Decision Making. Interdisciplinary Perspectives for the 21st Century, ed. by S. Kurz, N. Maaser and A. Mayer. Series in Choice and Welfare: Springer (2022), Chapter 21 |
Voting: A Machine Learning Approach | D. Burka, C. Puppe, L. Szepesváry & A. Tasnádi |
European Journal of Operational Research 299 (2022), 1003-1017 |
Mean versus Median Voting in Multi-Dimensional Budget Allocation Problems - A Laboratory Experiment | C. Puppe & J. Rollmann |
Games and Economic Behaviour 130 (2021), 309-330 |
Towards a Classification of Maximal Peak-Pit Condorcet Domains | G. Li, C. Puppe & A. Slinko |
Mathematical Social Sciences 113 (2021), 191-202 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Condorcet Domains, Median Graphs and the Single Crossing Property | C. Puppe & A. Slinko |
Economic Theory 67 (2019), 285-31 |
The Single-Peaked Domain Revisited: A Simple Global Characterization | C. Puppe |
Journal of Economic Theory 176 (2018), 55-80 |
On Discounting and Voting in a Simple Growth Model |
K. Borissov, M. Pakhnin & C. Puppe
European Economic Review 94 (2017) 185–204 |
Unanimity Overruled: Majority Voting and the Burden of History | K. Nehring, M. Pivato & C. Puppe |
Journal of Theoretical Politics 28 (2016), 552-597 |
Manufacturer Suggested Retail Prices, Loss Aversion and Competition | S. Fabrizi, S. Lippert, C. Puppe & S. Rosenkranz |
Journal of Economic Psychology 53 (2016), 141-153 |
The Condorcet Set: Majority Voting over Interconnected Propositions | K. Nehring, M. Pivato & C. Puppe |
Journal of Economic Theory 151 (2014), 286-303
Do Wage Cuts Damage Work Morale? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment | S. Kube, M. Maréchal & C. Puppe |
Journal of the European Economic Association 11 (2013), 853-870 |
The Currency of Reciprocity - Gift-Exchange in the Workplace | S. Kube, M. Maréchal & C. Puppe |
American Economic Review 102 (2012), 1644 - 1662 |
Abstract Arrowian Aggregation | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Journal of Economic Theory 145 (2010), 467-494 |
Justifiable Group Choice | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Journal of Economic Theory 145 (2010), 583-602 |
The Structure of Strategy-Proof Social Choice. Part I: General Characterization and Possibility Results on Median Spaces | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Journal of Economic Theory 135 (2007), 269-305 |
A Theory of Diversity | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Econometrica 70 (2002), 1155-1198 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Judgement Aggregation: A Survey | C. List & C. Puppe |
The Handbook of Rational and Social Choice, ed. by P. Anand, P. Pattanaik and C. Puppe: Oxford University Press (2009), Chapter 19. |
Consistent Judgement Aggregation: The Truth-Functional Case | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Social Choice & Welfare 31 (2008), 41-57 |
Unanimity Overruled: Majority Voting and the Burden of History | K. Nehring, M. Pivato & C. Puppe |
Journal of Theoretical Politics 28 (2016), 552-597 |
The Condorcet Set: Majority Voting over Interconnected Propositions | K. Nehring, M. Pivato & C. Puppe |
Journal of Economic Theory 151 (2014), 286-303 |
Justifiable Group Choice | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Journal of Economic Theory 145 (2010), 583-602 |
Abstract Arrowian Aggregation | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Journal of Economic Theory 145 (2010), 467-494 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Axiomatic Districting | C. Puppe & A. Tasnádi |
Social Choice & Welfare 44 (2015), 31-50 |
Optimal redistricting under geographical constraints: Why "pack and crack" does not work | C. Puppe & A. Tasnádi |
Economics Letters 105 (2009), 93-96 |
A Computational Approach to Unbiased Districting | C. Puppe & A. Tasnádi |
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 48 (2008), 1455-1460 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Essential Alternatives and Freedom Rankings | C. Puppe & Y. Xu |
Social Choice & Welfare 35 (2010), 669-685. |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Nash Implementable Domains for the Borda Count | C. Puppe & A. Tasnádi |
Social Choice & Welfare 31 (2008), 367-392 |
The Structure of Strategy-Proof Social Choice. Part I: General Characterization and Possibility Results on Median Spaces | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Journal of Economic Theory 135 (2007), 269-305 |
Efficient and Strategy-Proof Voting Rules: A Characterization | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Games and Economic Behavior 59 (2007), 132-153 |
Non-Manipulable Domains for the Borda Count | M. Barbie, C. Puppe & A. Tasnádi |
Economic Theory 27 (2006), 411-430 |
The Structure of Strategy-Proof Social Choice. Part II: Non-Dictatorship, Anonymity and Neutrality | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Unpublished manuscript, March 2005 |
Strategy-Proof Social Choice on Single-Peaked Domains: Possibility, Impossibility and the Space Between | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Unpublished manuscript, Universität Bonn, March 2002 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
(When and How) Do Voters Try to Manipulate? | S. Kube & C. Puppe |
Public Choice 139 (2009), 39-52 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Non-bossy social classification | D. Dimitrov & C.Puppe |
Mathematical Social Sciences 62 (2011), 162-165 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
The Currency of Reciprocity - Gift-Exchange in the Workplace | S. Kube, M. Maréchal & C. Puppe |
American Economic Review 102 (2012), 1644 - 1662 |
Do Wage Cuts Damage Work Morale? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment | S. Kube, M. Maréchal & C. Puppe |
Journal of the European Economic Association 11 (2013), 853-870 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Inequality Aversion and Efficiency with Ordinal and Cardinal Social Preferences - An Experimental Study | D. Herreiner & C. Puppe |
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 76 (2010), 238-253 |
Envy Freeness in Experimental Fair Division Problems | D. Herreiner & C. Puppe |
Theory and Decision 67 (2009), 65-100 |
Distributing Indivisible Goods Fairly: Evidence from a Questionnaire Study | D. Herreiner & C. Puppe |
Analyse & Kritik 29 (2007), 235-258 |
Testing (Beliefs about) Social Preferences: Evidence from an Experimental Coordination Game | T. Chmura, S. Kube, T. Pitz & C. Puppe |
Economics Letters 88 (2005), 214-220 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Introduction to the special issue "Experiments on conflicts and conflict resolution" | D. Masclet & C. Puppe |
Social Choice and Welfare 45 (2015), 479-488 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Manufacturer Suggested Retail Prices, Loss Aversion and Competition | S. Fabrizi, S. Lippert, C. Puppe & S. Rosenkranz |
Journal of Economic Psychology 53 (2016), 141-153 |
Why Suggest Non-Binding Retail Prices? | C. Puppe & S. Rosenkranz |
Economica 78 (2011), 317-329. |
Choice Under Complete Uncertainty When Outcome Spaces Are State-dependent | C. Puppe & K. Schlag |
Theory and Decision 66 (2009), 1-16 |
Titel | Autor | Quelle |
Diversity | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
The Handbook of Rational and Social Choice, ed. by P. Anand, P. Pattanaik and C. Puppe: Oxford University Press (2009), Chapter 12. |
Modelling Cost Complementarities in Terms of Joint Production | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Journal of Economic Theory 118 (2004), 252-264 |
Modelling Phylogenetic Diversity | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Resource and Energy Economics 26 (2004), 205-235 |
Diversity and Dissimilarity in Lines and Hierarchies | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Mathematical Social Sciences 45 (2003), 167-183 |
A Theory of Diversity | K. Nehring & C. Puppe |
Econometrica 70 (2002), 1155-1198 |