
Diplom-Volkswirt, Diplom-Mathematiker Stefan Rummel

  • Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre (ECON)
    Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftstheorie

    Gebäude 09.21, 3. OG

    Blücherstraße 17

    D-76185 Karlsruhe

Curriculum Vitae

  • 10/2007 - 03/2010: Research and Teaching Assistant, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany

  • 01/2007 - 10/2007: Research and Teaching Assistant, University of Frankfurt, Germany

  • 2011: Diplom-Mathematiker, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

  • 2011: Bachelor of Science (Computer Sciences), University of Hagen, Germany

  • 2009: Bachelor of Science (Mathematics), University of Hagen, Germany 

  • 2007: Diplom-Volkswirt, University of Frankfurt, Germany
  • 2000: Abitur, Schlüchtern, Germany
  • 1996: Realschulabschluss, Schlüchtern, Germany
  • 1994: Hauptschulabschluss, Schlüchtern, Germany


  • General Equilibrium Theory and Financial Markets, Decision Theory, esp. Ambiguity
  • Non atomic Games and Large Economies
  • Measure Theory, Topology, Infinite dimensional Analyis and Algebra 
Titel Typ Semester Ort Zeit


  • General Equilibrium Theory and Financial Markets (for diploma students)
    Seminar, University of Karlsruhe, Winter 2008/09
  • Microeconomics (for diploma / B.Sc. students)
    a lot of things, University of Karlsruhe, Winter 2008/09
  • The Economics of Networks (for diploma students)
    Seminar, University of Karlsruhe, Winter 2008/09
  • Strategic Redistricting / Gerrymandering (for diploma students)
    Seminar, University of Karlsruhe, Winter 2008/09
  • Advanced Microeconomic Theory I [MWG Part I] (for Ph.D. students)
    Classes, University of Frankfurt, Winter 2007/08
  • Theory of Market Economies (for diploma students)
    Tutorial, University of Frankfurt / University of Hagen, Winter 2007/08
  • Microeconomics 1 (for B.Sc. students)
    Classes, University of Frankfurt, Summer 2007
  • Advanced Econometrics II [Microeconometrics] (for Ph.D. students)
    Classes, University of Frankfurt, Summer 2007
  • Theory of Market Economies (for diploma students)
    Tutorial, University of Frankfurt / University of Hagen, Summer 2007
  • Advanced Microeconomic Theory I [MWG Part I/IV] (for Ph.D. students)
    Classes, University of Frankfurt, Winter 2006/07
  • Quantitative Methods in Economics (for diploma students)
    TSP-Tutorial, University of Frankfurt, Winter 2006/07
  • Statistics 2 (for diploma students)
    Tutorial, University of Frankfurt, Summer 2006
  • Statistics 1 (for diploma students)
    Tutorial, University of Frankfurt, Winter 2005/06
  • Microeconomics 1 (for diploma students)
    Tutorial, University of Frankfurt, Winter 2004/05
  • Microeconomics 1 (for diploma students)
    Tutorial, University of Frankfurt, Winter 2003/04
  • Microeconomics 1 (for diploma students)
    Tutorial, University of Frankfurt, Summer 2003
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