Welcome to the Chair of Economic Theory!
We – Prof. Clemens Puppe and his team – investigate collective decision mechanisms in terms of their properties for aggregating preferences (Social Choice Theory) and judgments or opinions (Judgment Aggregation). These include procedures to elect and rank/prioritize candidates, initiatives, projects etc. A further focus is on game and decision theory, not least taking into account insights from behavioral economics.
We are happy to have hosted the Conference on Voting Theory and Preference Aggregation in honor of Klaus Nehring's 65th birthday from 9th to 11th of October at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. We are pleased to share further information on the program and photos of the event.
The article "Belief-Independence and (Robust) Strategy-Proofness" by Michael Müller has been published in Theory and Decision.
The article "Strategy-Proofness implies Minimal Participation under Single-Peakedness" by Michael Müller and Clemens Puppe has been published in the Economic Theory Bulletin.
Professor Puppe is "Oliver Smithies Fellow" at Balliol College, University of Oxford, for the academic year 2021/22.
The article "Consistent Rights on Property Spaces" by Claudio Kretz has been published in the Journal of Economic Theory.
The article "Mean versus Median Voting in Multi-Dimensional Budget Allocation Problems - A Laboratory Experiment" by Clemens Puppe and Jana Rollmann has been published in Games and Economic Behavior.
The Chair of Economic Theory awards two places per semester for a semester abroad at the New Economic School in Moscow. You can find initial information here. If you are interested, please contact Prof. Dr. Puppe.
Unfortunately, Professor Puppe can no longer provide detailed reference letters until further notice. For a simple reference, please contact the office with your current CV and transcript of records. You can find more information here.
The paper "Belief-Independence and (Robust) Strategy-Proofness" by Michael Müller has been published in Theory and Decision.
The article "Strategy-Proofness implies Minimal Participation under Single-Peakedness" by Michael Müller and Clemens Puppe has been published in the Economic Theory Bulletin.
The article "Mean versus Median Voting in Multi-Dimensional Budget Allocation Problems - A Laboratory Experiment" by Clemens Puppe and Jana Rollmann has been published in Games and Economic Behavior.
The article "Consistent Rights on Property Spaces" by Claudio Kretz has been published in the Journal of Economic Theory.
The Working Paper "Resource Allocation by Frugal Majority Rule" by Klaus Nehring and Clemens Puppe is published in the KIT Working Paper Series in Economics. An interactive Tool to calculate a "Frugal Majority Sets" can be found here.
The article "The Single-Peaked Domain Revisited: A Simple Global Characterization" was published in the Journal of Economic Theory.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schumacher is visiting the Institute of Economics (ECON), at the Chair of Economic Theory, until November this year. Professor Christoph Schumacher has been Professor of Innovation and Economics at Massey University and Director of the Auckland Knowledge Exchange Hub since 2008. He has been working on applications of AI in economics for several years. In December 2018, he created GDPLive, the world's first real-time GDP indicator (gdplive.net). You can reach Christoph under the following email address: c.schumacher∂massey.ac.nz
It is our great pleasure to announce the Mini Online Workshop on Social Choice Theory: „Strategy-proofness and beyond“ on Friday, Nov 20th, 2020 at 14:00 - 17:00. The speakers are, from the University of Amsterdam, Zoi Terzopoulou ("Optimal Truth-Tracking Rules for the Aggregation of Incomplete Judgments") and Ulle Endriss ("Proportionality, Strategyproofness and Efficiency in Approval-Based Committee Voting") as well as, from our chair, Michael Müller on "Belief-independence and robust strategy-proofness".
Professor Puppe gave an interview for the Campus Report entitled "Fehlentscheidung aus dem Bauch heraus - Der Brexit als Lehrstück über die Tücken von Volksentscheiden". The interview can be found here.
A summary of the article "The Currency of Reciprocity" by S. Kube, M. Marechal and C. Puppe (American Economic Review, 2012) was published in the IRF Quarterly Academic Review 2018, summer issue.
The article entitled "Wählen, aber wie? Eine kleine Reise durch die Geschichte der Social Choice Theorie" by Prof. Puppe was published in the Karlsruhe Transfer.
The entrepreneurial magazine impulse published the article "Geschenke und Lob - Wie Sie Mitarbeiter richtig motivieren", refering to the work "The Currency of Reciprocity" by Sebastian Kube, Michel Maréchal and Clemens Puppe.
Another article about the field experiments at Professor Puppe's chair of Economic Theory was published by Slate Magazine/ Harvard Business Review. The article can be found here.