- born May 03 1989 in Mainz (Germany)
- 2008 Abitur at Gymnasium Gonsenheim (today: Otto-Schott-Gymnasium)
- from 09/2008 to 08/2011 studied economics at University of Mannheim, Bachelor of Science
- from 10/2011 to 09/2013 studied international economics and public policy at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Master of Science
- from 08/2012 to 01/2013 ERASMUS Semester at der Karlstads University (Sweden)
- since 04/2014 Research Assistant at the Chair of Economic Theory
M.Sc. Oliver Saffran
Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre (ECON)
Lehrstuhl für WirtschaftstheorieGebäude 09.21, 3. OG
Blücherstraße 17
D-76185 Karlsruhe
Curriculum Vitae Oliver Saffran
title | type | semester | place |
Übung zu Theory of Business Cycles / Konjunkturtheorie | Übung (Ü) | WS 14/15 |